Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Emoticons - Text in Disguise

EMOTICONS - Using text to create something you may see as a friendly gesture or expression of your current mood on the internet, text messaging... and any other way where text is the primarily means of communication. Perhaps the most commonly known is the :)

But I ask you, is there possibly something more sinister at hand? I think so. EMOTICONS... EMOTICONS... EMOTICONS. This is not a friendly term... lets break it down. Emotion. Makes sense, as they are often used to express your emotion. CONS? One might say ICON, but lets look at the alternative. Constuct... Converter... WAIT! Where am I going with this? Oh... I think you know.

DECEPTICONS! As you may or may not know all forms of evil robots in the transformers end with CON. Predacon, Insecticon, Vehicon, Constucticon. Emoticons are no less guilty. And trust me, they are transformers alright. How else could you explain the process they go through? They TRANSFORM from what is merely text - to an expression of your emotions. They're obviously a new type of transformer implanted into text format to learn more of human communications. If you use Emoticons, you support Decepticons.

But we all know Megatron would not be happy with just a single emoticon minion, he created several sects with the Emoticons well known leader :)

Emoticon S: Sideways emoticons, they're the most common and thus the weakest. Used by n00bs and 1337 alike. Watch out for XD ;'( and :P specificly.

Emoticons N: Nobody is quite sure whether they're known for their nose... or their small mouth. Really... what is that? o.O; o.o and ;.; are Wanted Dead or Alive.

Emoticons M: These emoticons are known for their rather large mouths. They are the most deadly as they are commonly used by Otaku or other fanatics. ^_^ o_o and @_@ are on notice.

Alright.. so there are other Emoticons, but some simply don't fall into a certain sect and only follow the orders of Megatron himself. Oh and watch out for their weapons []xxxx[]=======>

Still don't believe me? Alright... alright. Just you wait. You keep merrily communicating and using the Emoticons casually. When you play into their trap and the very existance you know is dominated by the emoticons don't say you were not warned.

Oh... and... Have a Nice Day :)

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